QA output created by 414
WARNING: --leafsize is deprecated, use --nodesize
WARNING: the filesystem may not be mountable, sectorsize 4096 doesn't match page size 65536
Format and mount
Create the original files
Compare files
de89461b64701958984c95d1bfb0065a  SCRATCH_MNT/test-414/file1
de89461b64701958984c95d1bfb0065a  SCRATCH_MNT/test-414/file2
Check extent counts
Compare files after remounting
de89461b64701958984c95d1bfb0065a  SCRATCH_MNT/test-414/file1
de89461b64701958984c95d1bfb0065a  SCRATCH_MNT/test-414/file2
Check extent counts